To be real on this path you must be humble --
If you look down at others you'll get pushed down the stairs.
If your heart goes around on high, you fly far from this path.
There's no use hiding it --
What's inside always leaks outside.
Even the one with the long white beard, the one who looks so wise --
If he breaks a single heart, why bother going to Mecca?
If he has no compassion, what's the point?
My heart is the throne of the Beloved,
the Beloved the heart's destiny:
Whoever breaks another's heart will find no homecoming
in this world or any other.
The ones who know say very little
while the beasts are always speaking volumes;
One word is enough for one who knows.
If there is any meaning in the holy books, it is this:
Whatever is good for you, grant it to others too --
Whoever comes to this earth migrates back;
Whoever drinks the wine of love
understands what I say --
Yunus, don't look down at the world in scorn --
Keep your eyes fixed on your Beloved's face,
then you will not see the bridge
on Judgment Day.
English version by
Jennifer Ferraro & Latif Bolat
Original Language
- Terkini
- Komentar
Abdul Hadi Widji Muthari
Abdurrahman Jami
Abu Nawas
Abu Tanam
Aidh al-Qarni
Aisyah ra.
Al Futuhat
Al Ghazali
Al Muktashim
Ali Bin Abi Thalib.
As-Sadi Asy-Syairazi
Asy Syafii
BJ Habibie
Bung Karno
Chairil Anwar
Dorothy Law Nolte
Elia Abu Madhi
Fariduddin Attar
Gabriela Mistral
Hamzah Al-Fansuri
Hasan al Basri
Ibn ‘Arabi
Ibnu Sina
Imam Bukhari
Jalaluddin Rumi
KH. Abdurrahman Wahid
Khalil Gibran
Muhammad Iqbal
Mustofa Bisri
Sunan Bonang
Sunan Kalijaga
Taufiq Ismail
Ubaidillah bin Abdullah bin Utbah bin Mas’ud
Umar Khayyam
WS Rendra
Yunus Emre