The drink sent down from Truth,
we drank it, glory be to God.
And we sailed over the Ocean of Power,
glory be to God.
Beyond those hills and oak woods,
beyond those vineyards and gardens,
we passed in health and joy, glory be to God.
We were dry, but we moistened.
We grew wings and became birds,
we married one another and flew,
glory be to God.
To whatever lands we came,
in whatever hearts, in all humanity,
we planted the meanings Taptuk taught us,
glory be to God.
Come here, let's make peace,
let's not be strangers to one another.
We have saddled the horse
and trained it, glory be to God.
We became a trickle that grew into a river.
We took flight and drove into the sea,
and then we overflowed, glory be to God.
We became servants at Taptuk's door.
Poor Yunus, raw and tasteless,
finally got cooked, glory be to God.
English version by
Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan
Original Language
- Terkini
- Komentar
Abdul Hadi Widji Muthari
Abdurrahman Jami
Abu Nawas
Abu Tanam
Aidh al-Qarni
Aisyah ra.
Al Futuhat
Al Ghazali
Al Muktashim
Ali Bin Abi Thalib.
As-Sadi Asy-Syairazi
Asy Syafii
BJ Habibie
Bung Karno
Chairil Anwar
Dorothy Law Nolte
Elia Abu Madhi
Fariduddin Attar
Gabriela Mistral
Hamzah Al-Fansuri
Hasan al Basri
Ibn ‘Arabi
Ibnu Sina
Imam Bukhari
Jalaluddin Rumi
KH. Abdurrahman Wahid
Khalil Gibran
Muhammad Iqbal
Mustofa Bisri
Sunan Bonang
Sunan Kalijaga
Taufiq Ismail
Ubaidillah bin Abdullah bin Utbah bin Mas’ud
Umar Khayyam
WS Rendra
Yunus Emre