Let's be companions, the two of us.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Let's be close intimates, the two of us.
Lets go to the Friend, my soul.
Let's go before this life is over,
Before our bodies disappear,
Before enemies come between us --
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Come on, let's go. Don't remain alone.
Let's be a chisel in the Friend's hand.
The only stop will be our sheikh's station.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Let's leave our towns and cities
and gladly suffer for the Friend.
Let's wrap our arms around our Beloved's waist.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Let's not be bewildered by the world.
Let's not be cheated by its sudden dying.
Let's not sit together never touching.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Let's give up this transient world
and fly to the lasting land of the Friend.
Let's give up all the playthings of the nafs.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Be a guide to me on this journey.
Let's set our destination at the Friend,
Not thinking where we begin or end.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
This world isn't everlasting.
With eyes half-open it is tempting.
Be a companion of lovers and a lover.
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Before the news of death reaches us,
Before the hour when he grabs us by the collar,
Before Azrail makes his sudden move,
Let's go to the Friend, my soul.
Let's arrive at the Divine Truth
and inquire there about Reality.
Let's take Yunus Emre with us --
and go to the Friend, my soul.
English version by
Jennifer Ferraro & Latif Bolat
Original Language
- Terkini
- Komentar
Abdul Hadi Widji Muthari
Abdurrahman Jami
Abu Nawas
Abu Tanam
Aidh al-Qarni
Aisyah ra.
Al Futuhat
Al Ghazali
Al Muktashim
Ali Bin Abi Thalib.
As-Sadi Asy-Syairazi
Asy Syafii
BJ Habibie
Bung Karno
Chairil Anwar
Dorothy Law Nolte
Elia Abu Madhi
Fariduddin Attar
Gabriela Mistral
Hamzah Al-Fansuri
Hasan al Basri
Ibn ‘Arabi
Ibnu Sina
Imam Bukhari
Jalaluddin Rumi
KH. Abdurrahman Wahid
Khalil Gibran
Muhammad Iqbal
Mustofa Bisri
Sunan Bonang
Sunan Kalijaga
Taufiq Ismail
Ubaidillah bin Abdullah bin Utbah bin Mas’ud
Umar Khayyam
WS Rendra
Yunus Emre